Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Twofer in honor of the newly created blog!!

Topic 1: Strapless dress?  Strapless bra!

It has come to my attention as of late (and this attention grabber spans more of the population than just LSU students) that some women have fallen in love with strapless dresses.  Now, don't get me wrong, strapless dresses are very very comfortable.  I even wear one from time to time.  But.  And this is a HUGE but.  Please please please make sure you have the proper under garments.  You wouldn't wear black drawers with white pants so why wear a regular bra with a strapless dress?  This girl does NOT get it.  But please.  Spare yourself the embarrassment of showing off your bra straps.

Oh.  And clear bra straps don't count.  We can still see those.

Topic 2: Crocs and socks

Okay so I get it.  Crocs are cool now.  But here's what isn't cool.  Wearing socks with your Crocs.  Its not okay unless you're wearing pants for your profession: chefs, nurses, doctors. And lest we not forget while gardening.  And yes, you may wear shorts while gardening.

As long as you remember to only wear Crocs in the above mentioned scenarios, my eyes will thank you (and so will the eyes of your peers)!

1 comment:

  1. The clear bra straps always crack me're not fooling anyone!
